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Scaffolding, Painting, Insulating (SPI)

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  • Scaffolding is one of EMC specialized activities, EMC scaffolding team is capable to deal with all scaffolding systems , carry out all scaffolding types following his own scaffolding procedures which based on the international spices ( BS, OSHA, EN…).
  • EMC have his high standard scaffolding material tested, inspected and matching with the international standards .
  • All manpower are well selected, trained, highly qualified and certified, in addition to internationally certified scaffolding inspectors from (CITB)
  • EMC have its own suspended mobile scaffolding system, modified by EMC to be matched with the international HSE regulation and certification requirements
  • Our clients are widespread in O&G filed; industrial filed for constructions and maintenances scopes. EMC previous experience was built with deferent clients e.g. not limited “SEGAS, UGDC, GUPCO, MOPCO, WASCO, PTB, PETROJET, NOSPCO, SANMMAR, Drake & Scull, Uhde, SUCO, SOPC, SUMED, GPC, PPC, GASCO, MIDOR , ELNG , RASHID , PAPETCO , KHALDA , SEDPIC ….
  • EMC painting team, are capable to deal with all type of painting material, painting procedures and follow up the most specific specification for new construction or maintenance especially in life plants
  • Painting equipment is owned by EMC, of a high standard, and subjected to very strict maintenance program to keep the availability and reliability in the highest level and matched with life plants requirements tested and certified. EMC selective man power are well trained, and highly qualified, specially painting engineers "inspectors" they are managerially and technically competent and internationally certified (NACE, CSWIP, SSPC). The monthly capacity of EMC painting team is about 30,000 M2
  • Our clients are widespread in O&G filed; industrial filed for constructions and maintenances scopes. EMC previous experience was built with deferent clients e.g. not limited “SEGAS, UGDC, GUPCO, MOPCO, WASCO, PTB, PETROJET, NOSPCO, Drake & Scull, SUMED, GPC, PPC, GASCO, MIDOR, ELNG, RASHID,AMOC , APC )
  • EMC team have his own mobile workshops, included all required fabrication tools, machine and equipments.
  • EMC manpower is very selective, high experience, competent, trained and highly qualified.
  • EMC insulation team is compliant with the latest international and they are capable to deal with any international Specification Standards and procedure.
  • EMC insulation team is capable to carry out any volume of work during S/D, normal maintenance or new construction.
  • Our clients are widespread in O&G filed; industrial filed for constructions and maintenances scopes. EMC previous experience was built with deferent clients e.g. not limited “SEGAS, ETYRNEX, UGDC, GUPCO, MOPCO, WASCO, PTB, PETROJET, SUCO, SOPC, GPC, GASCO, MIDOR, ELNG, RASHID, and SEDPIC
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SEGAS LNG Plant Global Maintenance
HA’PY Onshore Maintenance Contract
Thermal insulation works(Dumping)
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