Maintenance Of Rolling Stock – Line 1 : - Client : Egyptian Underground Metro
- Location : Cairo
- Duration : 6 Years
- Scope :
- EMC started the work with the Metro organization on 2003, through ticketing machines & Telecommunication systems maintenance contracts. The success achieved from both contracts, increased the opportunity for EMC to win the third contract.
- The contract Covers the maintenance, Major and Minor Overhauling or the rolling stock, Global Maintenance of the maintenance W/SH at Tora and its related facilities.
- The quantity of units covered by EMC is 159 units.
- EMC replaced 3 foreign international companies, which increased national income, this project is a big move out for EMC outside oil & gas sector and to break in to the Railways and Underground Metro Sector.
- EMC achieve 90% availability for the movable units.
- 500 employees working through this contract.